Learn how one of the largest Financial Services Company Automated test cases cover 7 global regions across multiple browsers
This financial services company (revenue: $35 billion) is the world’s largest card issuer by purchase volume, processing millions of transactions daily as the premium network for high-spending card members.
- Low percentage (<10%) automation achieved using QTP.
- Predictability of outcome based pricing.
- Improve quality in agile development environment.
Automation Project
End to end testing (UI, database and web services) of their Merchant Interactive
Web Solution (OMS). This application spans over 7 global regions/languages.
Dot Net
Application accessed via VPN

- 92% of automation completed within each sprint.
- Productivity of up to 4x compared to QTP.
- Automated test cases cover 7 global regions across multiple browsers.
- Ability to run full regression on any frequency within each sprint.